LEGEND Order Sheet (English) Ordre d'achat (Français)


Please order by lot number.

722 Medicine Pharmacy/MĂ©decine Pharmacie
Lot No Type Description Price
N39738 ENT image U.S.A. (1949) Bottle of tonic*. Postal card (O) with printed ad for S.S.S. Tonic - "Helps Build Sturdy Health."
N39739 ENT image U.S.A. (1949) Theragran capsules*. Postal card (O) with printed ad for Theragran, noting change in capsules - wider spacing between the black bands.
N39732 ENT image U.S.A. (1950) Heptuna Plus*. Postal card (O) with printed ad for an aid for anemia containing Ferrous Sulfate, Vitamin B12 and Folic Acid. J.B. Roerig & Co, Chicago, IL.
N77566 ENT image POLAND (1962) "Apothecary" by Chelmonskiego. 40 gr postal card (N) sold for 60 gr with corner illustration. VI Congress on Pharmacy in Warsaw.
N77575 OBL image FRANCE (1963) Apothecary of BaugĂ©*. Illustrated cancel on envelope "BaugĂ© - ForĂȘts - Apothicairerie."
N36632 ENT image U.S.A. (1963) Dessicated liver. Postal card (O) with printed ad on back for Dessicated Liver Powder and Tablets. Long text explaining the helath benefits. Nature Food Centres, Cambridge, MA.
N77390 ENT image RUSSIA (1966) Kharkov Pharmaceutical Institite*. 6 kop entire (N) with corner illustration celebrating 50 years of Institute.
N73087 MAX image U.S.A. (1972) Pharmacy*. Maximum card with First Day cancel. Scott No 1473, Yvert No 971.
N49458 ND image CAMEROUN (1979) Medicinal plants: Piper capense*, Pteridium aquilinum*. Set of 2 imperforates. Scott Nos 665-6, Yvert Nos 645-6.
N80807 ND image NEW CALEDONIA (1986) First pharmacy*. Imperforate. Scott No 542, Yvert No 519.
N87462 ND image FRENCH POLYNESIA (1987) Thespesia populnea*. Ophioglossum reticulatum*. Dicrocephala latifolia*. Set of 3 imperforates. Medicinal plants*. Scott Nos 465-7, Yvert Nos 285-7. Hard to find!
N80957 ND image NEW CALEDONIA (1988) Rauvolfia sevenetti*. Imperforate. Scott No 579, Yvert No PA258. Medicinal plants.
N89969 ** image SURINAM (1993) Medicinal plants*. Set of 4 MNH. Scott Nos 938-41.

See Also Lots:/ Voir Aussi Lots:

Lot No Type Description Price
N58975 EL image IVORY COAST (1961) Thonningia sanguinea. Deluxe sheet. Extracts are used to treat diarrhoeal diseases. Scott No 186, Yvert No 194.
N58415 ND image DAHOMEY (1967) Eremomastax speciosa*. Imperforate. Used in the treatment of dysentery and anemia. Scott No 231, Yvert No 251.
N34576 EL image NEW CALEDONIA (1988b) Rauvolfia levenetti*. Deluxe sheet. Medicinal plants series. Scott No 579, Yvert No PA258. Attractive!

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