664 Hands/Mains
Lot No |
Type |
Description |
Price |
N28993 |
U.S.A. (1950) Handshake*. Red meter cancellation on envelope Pitney Bowes No 151811:Get it From Your Jobber.
$10 |
N12982 |
ETATS UNIS (1952) Gant*. Empreinte rouge de machine à affranchir sur fragment Pitney Bowes No 123306: "Les gants pour l'industrie."
$15 |
N31576 |
FRANCE (1959) Handshake*. Trial color proof pair. French-Spanish handshake marking 300th anniversary of treaty of Pyrenees. Scott No 932, Yvert No 1223.
$40 |
N58082 |
EL |
UPPER VOLTA (1964) Handshake*. Map of Africa*. Deluxe sheet. International Year of Cooperation. Scott No 134, Yvert No 136.
$10 |
N58004 |
EL |
NIGER (1964) Handshake*. Map of Africa*. Deluxe sheet. International Year of Cooperation. Scott No 143, Yvert No 149.
$10 |
N71253 |
ND |
GABON (1964) Handshake*. Map of Africa*. Imperforate. International Year of Cooperation. Scott No 175, Yvert No 174.
$5 |
N58680 |
EL |
CAMEROUN (1965) Handshake*. Set of 2 deluxe sheets. International Cooperation Year. Scott Nos 423,C57. Yvert Nos 404,PA68.
$20 |
N43237 |
ND |
TOGO (1965) Handshake*. Globe*. Set of 5 imperforate pairs. Scott Nos 538-42, Yvert Nos 466-70.
$30 |
N52474 |
ND |
HUNGARY (1965) International Cooperation Year*. Imperforate minisheet of 4. Scott No 1683a, Yvert No BF54.
$15 |
N72803 |
EL |
CENTRAL AFRICA (1965) International Cooperation Year. Deluxe sheet. Scott No C26, Yvert No PA29.
$12 |
N82876 |
ND |
CENTRAL AFRICA (1965) International Cooperation Year. Imperforate. Scott No C26, Yvert No PA29.
$5 |
N42929 |
DAHOMEY (1965) Heads*. Handshake*. Trial color proof pair. International Cooperation Year. Scott No C27, Yvert No PA31.
$15 |
N31994 |
DAHOMEY (1965) Handshake*. ICY emblem*. Trial color proof in brown, International Cooperation Year. Scott No C27, Yvert No PA31. Scarce!
$10 |
N60386 |
ND |
CONGO (1965) Hand holding gear*. Flowers*. Imperforate. International Year of Cooperation. Scott No C34, Yvert No PA36.
$5 |
N60692 |
EL |
CONGO (1965) Hand holding gear*. Flowers*. Deluxe sheet. International Year of Cooperation. Scott No C34, Yvert No PA36.
$10 |
N71777 |
SS |
LIBERIA (1965) Handshake. Cooperation Year. Perforate S/S. Scott No C165, Yvert No BF34.
$5 |
N71205 |
ND |
FRENCH POLYNESIA (1970) Hands* working on shell*. Imperforate. Removal of mother-of-pearl from a shell. Scott No C59, Yvert No PA36.
$10 |
N74182 |
JAPAN (1971) Hands joined*. Illustrated cancellation on postal card.
$15 |
N67223 |
FRANCE (1971) Hands* embroidering. Hands* making a tool*. Scale*. Philatelic First Day document with special engraving thematically related to the stamp and printed description and explanation of the stamp on the reverse. Yvert No 1691. Scott No 1320. Artisans' guild.
$10 |
N58611 |
GERMANY (1981) Interlocked hands*. Specimen (MUSTER). Third World Cooperation. Scott No 1356, Yvert No 935.
$10 |
N91967 |
FRANCE (1982) Hands* grasping one another. Maximum card with thematic cancel. Scott No 1825. Yvert No 2204. Struggle against racism.
$5 |
N91958 |
FRANCE (1983) Hands* surrounding globe*. Maximum card with thematic cancel. Scott No 1876, Yvert No 2272. Protection of Industrial Property.
$5 |
N59322 |
GERMANY (1988) Hands*. MUSTER (Specimen) overprint. Samaritan Association Rescue Workers 100th anniversary. Scott No 1567, Yvert No 1226.
$15 |
N27138 |
GERMANY (1993) Hands* above worker*. Health and Safety in the Workplace issue. Scott No 1773, Yvert No 1481 overprinted "MUSTER". Not easy to find!
$12 |
See Also Lots:/ Voir Aussi Lots:
Lot No |
Type |
Description |
Price |
N73586 |
GERMANY (1956) Maria Laach abbey*. Maximum card with thematic cancel. Scott No 747, Yvert No 114.
$8 |
N73585 |
GERMANY (1956) Plan of Cologne cathedral*. Hand*. Maximum card with thematic cancel. Scott No 750, Yvert No 115.
$8 |
N55135 |
JAPAN (1974) "Finger" by Shinsui*. MIHON (specimen) overprint. Scott No 1163.
$5 |
N66024 |
EP |
AUSTRIA (2012) Gmunden vase*. Hand painting design*. Hart*. Black print.
$20 |
N37409 |
EP |
AUSTRIA (1979) Hand* on shoulder of child*. Black proof. Scott No 1110, Yvert No 1426. International Year of the Child.
$20 |
N51654 |
GERMANY (1996) Hands*. UNICEF 50th anniversary issue overprinted MUSTER (specimen). Scott No 1935, Yvert No 1701.
$15 |
N83958 |
ND |
MALI (1987) Al Jolsen*. Jazz*. Dance*. Cinema*. Hands*. Imperforate. Scott No C536. Yvert No PA 527. 60th anniversary of the first talking film. "The Jazz Singer." In this film, Al Jolsen played the role of the Jewish cantor'sson.
$8 |
N72677 |
U.S.A. (1947) People playing tug-of-war with clothes. Red meter cancel on front, P.B. No. 91786, "Union-Made Work Clothes."
$15 |
N67278 |
FRANCE (1972) Numeric keypad*. Hand holding stylized pen*. Use of postal codes. Philatelic First Day document with special engraving thematically related to the stamp and printed description and explanation of the stamp on the reverse. Scott Nos 1345-6, Yvert Nos 1719-20.
$10 |
N55621 |
FRANCE (1972) Numeric keypad*. Hand holding stylized pen*. Use of postal codes. Scott Nos 1345-6, Yvert Nos 1719-20.
$3 |
N73229 |
FRANCE (1978) French craftsmanship*. Maximum card with thematic cancel. Scott No 1556, Yvert No 1952.
$3 |
N39518 |
FRANCE (1978) Hand holding glowing ball of energy*. Maximum card with Special First Day Cancel. Energy conservation. Scott No 1607, Yvert No 2007.
$12 |
N90387 |
ND |
MALI (1981) Hands holding map of Europe, AfricaTrain. Jet loading cars. Auto. Imperforate. EuropAfrique issue. Scott No 440, Yvert No 439.
$5 |
N58102 |
CYPRUS (2006) Stylised hand - EUROPA*. Set of 2 specimens. Scott Nos 1053-4.
$10 |
N90327 |
ND |
BENIN (1979) Flags of attending nations. Hand pointing to map. Set of 3 imperforates. Scott Nos 427-9, Yvert Nos 438-40. OCAM issue.
$15 |
N77653 |
FRANCE (1988) Finger puppets*. Illustrated cancel on envelope for Marionette Festival in Le Cannet.
$10 |
N72675 |
U.S.A. (1952) Hand holding crippled children. Red meter cancel on fragment, P.B. No. 139215, "Give a Hand - Help Crippled Children - Use Easter Seals."
$5 |
N77145 |
ND |
WALLIS & FUTUNA (1982) Eye*. Hands* with cane*. Corner imperforate. Journée des Aveugles. Scott No C117, Yvert No PA120.
$10 |
N37281 |
EP |
AUSTRIA (1968) Hands holding wrench*. Black print. Scott No 844, Yvert No 1135. 50th anniversary of ILO.
$20 |
N58419 |
ND |
CONGO (1974) Symbols of labor*. Set of 2 margin imperforate blocks of 4. Scott Nos 316-7, Yvert Nos 357-8.
$40 |
N37494 |
EP |
AUSTRIA (1983) Hands above workers*. Black proof. Scott No 1237, Yvert No 1564. Work Inspection Centenary.
$10 |
N71206 |
ND |
POLYNESIE (1970) Bijou en nacre*. Main*. Femme*. Non dentelé. Huître perlière. Scott No C61, Yvert No PA38.
$15 |
N91767 |
JAPAN (1974) Hands holding design*. Illustrated cancellation on postal card with cachet of Lions meeting in Asahikawa,
$15 |
N47993 |
EL |
CAMEROUN (1962) Map of Cameroun*. Sunrise*. Hands holding proclamation*. Set of 5 deluxe sheets. Scott Nos 374-8, Yvert Nos 355-9.
(Image b)
(Image c)
$30 |
N70894 |
ND |
MAURITANIA (1965) Crab*. Hand holding lightning bolts*. Imperforate margin pair. Fight against cancer. Scott No C42, Yvert No PA46.
$15 |
N77114 |
ND |
NIGER (1965) Hand holding crab*. Imperforate pair. Fight against cancer. Scott No C50, Yvert No PA50.
$10 |
N66505 |
ND |
HUNGARY (1977) Hands & feet in thermal bath*. Imperforate. Scott No 2507. World Rheumatism year.
$3 |
N66010 |
ND |
PHILIPPINES (1980) Hand putting out cigarette*. Imperforate pair, Scott No 1464, Yvert No 1189.
$30 |
N77595 |
FRANCE (1987) Hand receiving recyclable bottle*. War on cancer. Illustrated cancel on envelope - "Vos bouteuilles aident la lutte contre le cancer."
$5 |
N58064 |
EL |
TOGO (1957) Hand holding torch*. Flag*. Set of 3 deluxe sheets. Independence issue inscribed "Republique Autonome du Togo". Scott Nos C22-4, Yvert Nos PA25-7.
$30 |
N58062 |
EL |
TOGO (1959) Hand holding torch*. Flag*. Set of 3 deluxe sheets. Independence issue inscribed "Republique du Togo". Scott Nos C27-9, Yvert Nos PA30-2.
$30 |
N75121 |
ND |
IVORY COAST (1977) 17th anniversary of Independence. Imperforate. Scott No 447.
$5 |
N77347 |
EAST GERMANY (1989) Hand stopping atomic explosion*. Dove*. 10 pf postal card with corner illustration for World Day of Peace and commemorative cancel.
$5 |
N72676 |
U.S.A. (1952) Hands with message. Red meter cancel on fragment, P.B. No. 135847, "Happiness is in Your Hands."
$15 |
N61244 |
ND |
MALI (1978) Dominos*. Bridge*. Set of 2 imperforates. Scott Nos 313-4, Yvert Nos 309-10.
$10 |
N58653 |
EL |
UPPER VOLTA (1965) Boxing gloves*. Ring*. Deluxe sheet. Scott No 142. Yvert No 144.
$15 |
N73232 |
FRANCE (1981) Hand drawing geometric designs*. Faces*. Set of 2 maximum cards with thematic cancel. Scott Nos 1741-2, Yvert Nos 2141-2.
$5 |
N91971 |
FRANCE (1982) Hand* holding gears*, spheres*. Set of 2 maximum cards with First Day cancels. PhilexFrance. Scott Nos 1819-20, Yvert Nos 2199-2200. Paintings by Folon.
$10 |
N89008 |
UPPER VOLTA (1971) Hand holding telephone*. Hemispheric maps of the world*. Unaddressed FDC with cachet and thematic cancel. Scott No 241, Yvert No 239.
$4 |
N37491 |
EP |
AUSTRIA (1983) Hands "linked"*. Black proof. Scott No 1233, Yvert No 1560. World Communications Year.
$7 |
N76071 |
GERMANY (1930) Hand holding telephone*. Line cancelation on envelope (note perfined stamp): "Fernsprecher Spart Tund Geld."
$10 |
N55604 |
U.S.A. (1955) Hand* holding ringing telephone*. Postal card (O) with illustrated ad for telephone answering service.
$20 |
N61152 |
RUSSIA (1979) Hand*. Puppet theatre*. Illustrated postal card (N).
$8 |
N60806 |
LIECHTENSTEIN (1983) Hand holding shovel*. Maximum card. Humanitarian Aid. Scott No 765, Yvert No 768.
$5 |
N71646 |
TUNISIA (1959) Hands clasped. Trial color proof. Scott No 364, Yvert No 459.
$5 |
N83982 |
ND |
GABON (1965) ICY emblem*. Globe*. Imperforate. Scott No C29, Yvert No PA31.
$5 |
N80936 |
ND |
NEW CALEDONIA (1985) Hands of different colors* UN emblem*. Imperforate. Scott No C205, Yvert No PA248.
$10 |
N68684 |
EP |
U.S.A. (1966) Bill of Rights. USPS publicity photo essay. Scott No 1312, Yvert No 805.
$10 |
N77098 |
ND |
MOROCCO (1984) Hands holding wheat. Imperforate. Scott No 587, Yvert No 975. FAO issue.
$5 |