LEGEND | Bid Sheet (English) | Ordre d'achat (Français) |
Lot No | Type | Description | Price |
12032 | EP | AUSTRIA (2022) Augustiner BräustĂĽbl MĂĽlln*. Black print. more than 400 years of beer! | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
131 | EL | FRANCE (1977) Coiled dragon gargoyle*. Deluxe sheet. Abbey Tower, Saint-Arnand-sur-Eaux. Scott No 1543, Yvert No 1948. | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
151 | EP | EAST GERMANY (1970) Amon*. Shu*. Tefnut*. Imperforate phase proof in final colors. Designs from Lion Temple in Musawwarat Sudan. Scott No 1215, Yvert No 1297. | AVAILABLE AT $40 |
3228 | ESS | ETHIOPIA (1977) Ibex*. Yeha temple*. Set of 10 progressive proofs. Scott No 823, Yvert No 828. Ethiopian archaelogical sites. | AVAILABLE AT $100 |
9140 | EP | EAST GERMANY (1970) Amon*. Shu*. Tefnut*. Set of 4 imperforate progressive proofs. Designs from Lion Temple in Musawwarat, Sudan. Scott No 1215, Yvert No 1297. These imperforate proofs from the archives of the former East German printer are very rare (only about 10 copies exist). | AVAILABLE AT $200 |
15158 | EP | EGYPT (1914) Rock temple of Abu Simbel*. Proof on thin paper in issued colors similar to French community deluxe proofs, printed by Helio-Vaugirard in 1950. Scott No 58. Similar proofs have sold at auction for over $200! | AVAILABLE AT $75 |
9288 | ESS | MONACO (1985) St. Charles church - painting by Clerissi*. Full sheet of 30 trial color proofs. Scott No 1517, Yvert No 1511. Engraved by Slania. | AVAILABLE AT $400 |
24242 | EL | MADAGASCAR (1985) Paintings*. Set of 5 deluxe sheets. Scott Nos 728-32, Yvert Nos 748-52. (Image b) (Image c) | AVAILABLE AT $75 |
24246 | ENT | AUSTRIA (1988) Painting of St. Anna monastery in Riedenburg*. 5 Schilling Specimen postal stationery. | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
12634 | EL | FRANCE (1968) Pont Vieux*. Cathedral*. Deluxe sheet. Beziers. Scott No 1220, Yvert No 1567. | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
12635 | EA | FRANCE (1968) Pont Vieux*. Cathedral*. Die proof in black signed by the engraver BETEMPS. Beziers. Scott No 1220, Yvert No 1567. | AVAILABLE AT $140 |
726 | EL | FRANCE (1963) Caen donjon and Church Saint-Pierre*. Deluxe sheet. Scott No 1066, Yvert No 1389. | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
749 | EL | FRANCE (1978) Besançon fortress*. Collegiate church*. Deluxe sheet. Scott No 1615, Yvert No 2015. | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
9757 | TEL | GRANDE BRETAGNE (1942) Chat* assis aux pieds d'un vieux couple*. Cigogne* portant un bébé*. Couple d'amoureux*: chérubin* avec arc* et flèche*. Couple marié* à la sortie de l'église*. Photographe*. Spectateurs* tenant un chien* en laiisse. Télégramme (O) avec superbe illustration. Variété: impression floue. | AVAILABLE AT $120 |
24657 | TEL | GRANDE BRETAGNE (1942) Chat* assis aux pieds d'un vieux couple*. Cigogne* portant un bébé*. Couple d'amoureux*: chérubin* avec arc* et flèche*. Couple marié* à la sortie de l'église*. Photographe*. Spectateurs* tenant un chien* en laisse. Télégramme (N) avec superbe illustration. | AVAILABLE AT $80 |
24658 | TEL | GRANDE BRETAGNE (1942) Chat* assis aux pieds d'un vieux couple*. Cigogne* portant un bébé*. Couple d'amoureux*: chérubin* avec arc* et flèche*. Couple marié* sortant de l'église*. Photographe*. Spectateurs* tenant un chien* en laisse. Télégramme (O) avec superbe illustration accompagné de son enveloppe couleur or (rare!). | AVAILABLE AT $100 |
24660 | TEL | GRANDE BRETAGNE (1956) Chat* assis aux pieds d'un vieux couple*. Cigogne* portant un bĂ©bĂ©*. Hochet*. Couple d'amoureux: ange* avec arc* et flèche*. Eglise*. Mariage*. Homme soulevant un trophĂ©e en or*. Enfants* agitant leur mouchoir* Ă un bateau* en partance. Gâteau d'anniversaire*. TĂ©lĂ©gramme multicolore (O) accompagnĂ© de son enveloppe. Utilisation tardive, ce tĂ©lĂ©gramme est paru en 1953 et Ă©tait gardĂ© en rĂ©serve au cas oů les tĂ©lĂ©grammes nouveaux ne seraient pas en stock. Superbe! | AVAILABLE AT $120 |
3852 | EP | MONTSERRAT (1985) Ange*. Etoile*. Anes*. Berger*. Chèvre*. SĂ©ries de 4 paires non dentelĂ©es, Noël. Ces sont Ă©preuves non dentelĂ©es aux archives de l'imprimeur. Tirage seulement une feuille (d'habitude 40 timbres). Scott Nos 588-91, Yvert Nos 596-9. Rare! | AVAILABLE AT $50 |
12815 | EL | FRANCE (1949) Dauphine coat of arms*. Collegiate church of St. Barnard*. Deluxe sheet. Scott No 621, Yvert No 839. | AVAILABLE AT $35 |
950 | EL | FRANCE (1987) Abbey of Medieval Knights*. Deluxe sheet. Scott No 2055, Yvert No 2495. | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
1092 | EL | FRANCE (1972) Aix-la-Chapelle cathedral*. Design*. Set of 2 deluxe sheets. Scott Nos 1340-1, Yvert Nos 1714-5. | AVAILABLE AT $75 |
1102 | ND | BENIN (1976) Konrad Adenauer*. Cologne cathedral*. Set of 2 imperforate blocks of 4. Scott Nos C253-4, Yvert Nos PA256-7. | AVAILABLE AT $40 |
1109 | SPE | NORTHERN CYPRUS (1978a) Oratory, Nicosia*. Block of 4 overprinted ORNEK (specimen). Scott No 55, Yvert No 46. | AVAILABLE AT $30 |
4051 | ND | MONACO (1978) Monaco cathedral*. View of Monaco*. Set of 2 imperforate blocks of 4. Scott Nos 1113-4, Yvert Nos 1136-7. | AVAILABLE AT $30 |
7052 | ND | MONACO (1977) St. Michaels Church*. Imperforate. Scott No 1078, Yvert No 1102. | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
7053 | EL | BELGIUM (1978) Antwerp cathedral. Pont des Trous. Scott Nos 1013-4. Yvert Nos 1886-7. EUROPA issue. Deluxe proof (LX67). | AVAILABLE AT $80 |
24904 | EA | BENIN (1976) Konrad Adenauer*. Cologne Cathedral*. Die proof in red signed by the engraver QUILLIVIC. Scott No C254, Yvert No PA257. | AVAILABLE AT $140 |
16147 | ND | LEBANON (1956) Temples*. Set of 6 imperforates. Baalbek International Festival. Scott Nos C223-8, Yvert Nos PA130-5. (Image b) | AVAILABLE AT $50 |
4142 | ND | SIERRA LEONE (1996) Poseidon*. Greek temple*. Imperforate S/S. Fantasies of the Sea series - Legend of Poseidon. Scott No 1973. | AVAILABLE AT $40 |
13240 | EL | FRANCE (1981) Roman temple at Nimes*. Deluxe sheet. Scott No 1732, Yvert No 2133. | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
7419 | EP | BELGIUM (1968) Roman oil lamp. St. Medard church, Wervik. Ministerial proof. Scott No 703, Yvert No 1451. Historical sites. | AVAILABLE AT $50 |
16667 | EL | FRANCE (1993) Val de Grace Monastery*. Bloc gommé. Scott No 2374, Yvert No 2830. Service as Military Hospital. | AVAILABLE AT $90 |
1736 | EL | FRANCE (1970) Marshall Juin*. Church of the Invalides*. Deluxe sheet. Scott No 1266, Yvert No 1630. | AVAILABLE AT $25 |
7611 | EL | FRANCE (1960) Grand BĂ©nard Massif*. Cilaos Church*. Deluxe sheet. Scott No 949, Yvert No 1241. 1mm toning spot below image. | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
13662 | OBL | JAPON (1988) Champignons*. Temple "Tanjo" à Okayama City. Oblitération illustrée sur entier postal. | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
13735 | EL | FRANCE (1981) Ajaccio chapel*. Deluxe sheet. Precancel. Scott No 1719, Yvert No PRE170. | AVAILABLE AT $12 |
16853 | EP | EGYPT (1914) Rock temple at Abou-Simbel. Oversized Helio-Vaugirard proof showing issued stamp and photo of the site. Scott No 58. Similar proofs have sold at auction for over $200! | AVAILABLE AT $160 |
7991 | ESS | DAHOMEY (1966) Pope Paul VI*. St. Peter's*. Trial color proof strip of 3. Scott No C41, Yvert No PA45. | AVAILABLE AT $40 |
10946 | EA | MONACO (1958) Pius X*. Underground basilica*. Die proof in black signed by the engraver MUNIER. Lourdes Centenary. Scott No C52, Yvert No PA70. | AVAILABLE AT $140 |
10947 | EA | MONACO (1958) Pius X*. Underground basilica*. Stage die proof in brown marked "1/4" signed by the engraver MUNIER. Lourdes Centenary. Scott No C52, Yvert No PA70. | AVAILABLE AT $225 |
25566 | ESS | DAHOMEY (1966) Pope Paul VI*. St. Peter's*. Trial color proof strip of 5. Scott No C39, Yvert No PA43. | AVAILABLE AT $75 |
25571 | ND | WALLIS & FUTUNA (1978) Pope Paul VI. Pope John-Paul I. St. Peter's basilica Pane of 20 imperforates. Scott No C87, Yvert No PA89. | AVAILABLE AT $100 |
2168 | ND | MONACO (1951) Chapel of St. Devoté*. Imperforate corner block of 4. Scott No 272, Yvert No 363. | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
5279 | EP | GERMANY (1964) Doves surrounding chapel on rocks. Photo essay (See Note) of unaccepted design for 80th meeting of German Catholics. Scott No 896, Yvert No 309. | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
5298 | MAQ | INDONESIA (1981) Mosque*. People reading Koran*. Original artwork for Koran reading competition. Watercolor on posterboard. Design measures 16.5 x 10 cm. Scott No 1128, Yvert No 916. | AVAILABLE AT $600 |
19530 | EL | UPPER VOLTA (1975) Templier*. Thevenoud*. Cathedral*. Set of 2 deluxe sheets. Scott Nos 380-1, Yvert Nos 375-6. | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
25628 | EA | NEW CALEDONIA (1953) Monsigneur Douarre. Noumea cathedral. Die proof in black signed by the engraver PHEULPIN. Centenary of French presence. Scott No 297, Yvert No 281. | AVAILABLE AT $140 |
17446 | EL | FRANCE (1978) Gymnasts*. Storks*. Strasbourg Cathedral*. Deluxe sheet. 10 World Gymnastics Championship. Scott No 1618, Yvert No 2019. | AVAILABLE AT $60 |
11352 | EA | MALI (1972) Runner*. Church of Theatines*. Die proof in olive signed by the engraver GUILLAUME. Munich Olympics. Scott No C150, Yvert No PA150. Rare! | AVAILABLE AT $120 |
17561 | EP | AUSTRIA (2014) Siberian iris. Basilica of Rankweil. Black print. | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
17562 | EP | AUSTRIA (2018) Gothic church. Transmission tower. Screw steamship. Carinthia highlights. Black print. | AVAILABLE AT $12 |
2554 | ND | CHAD (1977) Zeppelin stamps*. Polar Scene *. Various structures*. Set of 5 imperforate corner blocks of 4. Scott Nos 327,C206-9. Yvert Nos 324,PA192-5. (Image b) (Image c) | AVAILABLE AT $100 |
11500 | ND | CENTRAL AFRICA (1977) Zeppelin stamps*. Polar Scene *. Various structures*. Set of 5 imperforate pairs. Scott Nos 295-6,C184-6. Yvert Nos 295-6,PA167-9. | AVAILABLE AT $40 |
17569 | EL | CENTRAL AFRICA (1977) Zeppelin stamps*. Polar Scene *. Various structures*. Set of 5 deluxe sheets. Scott Nos 295-6,C184-6. Yvert Nos 295-6,PA167-9. (Image b) | AVAILABLE AT $40 |
2568 | ND | ANDORRA (1964) Old Andorra church*. Champs-Elysee Palace*. Corner imperforate. PHILATELEC. Scott No 158, Yvert No 171. Dallay catalog 300 Euros. | AVAILABLE AT $140 |
2570 | EL | FRANCE (1971) Pont Marius Gontard*. Church, Grenoble*. Deluxe sheet. Philatelic Societies meeting. Scott No 1308, Yvert No 1681. | AVAILABLE AT $20 |
19799 | EA | FRANCE (1971) Pont Marius Gontard*. Church, Grenoble*. Die proof in black signed by the engraver COMBET. Philatelic Societies meeting. Scott No 1308, Yvert No 1681. | AVAILABLE AT $140 |
8834 | EL | CAMBODIA (1972) Lion of St. Mark*. Waves engulfing Basilica*. Bridge of Sighs*. Set of 3 deluxe sheets. UNESCO Campaign to save Venice. Scott Nos 275-7, Yvert Nos 290-2. (Image b) | AVAILABLE AT $40 |
14816 | EA | FRANCE (2017) Sacred Heart Montmartre windmill*. Pair of stage die proofs in black signed by the engraver LAVERGNE. | AVAILABLE AT $175 |
2964 | SPE | GERMANY (1987) Charlemagne*. Bremen cathedral*. MUSTER (Specimen) overprint. Scott No 1513, Yvert No 1161. | AVAILABLE AT $15 |
11927 | EP | LIBERIA (1981) St. Paul's Cathedral. Imperforate proof mounted on Format International Security Printers card. Scott No 899, Yvert No 914. Royal Wedding. | AVAILABLE AT $60 |